Thursday, December 18, 2008
Water Colour painting “Wali Dad”
I really enjoyed reading children’s book. :)
An author who won a Nobel prize [Literature] once said,” Children’s book are very good. Truth, Virtues and Gentle manners are found in abundance in children’s book. Adult and children should read more children’s story to remind themselves of their Good nature.” :)
I read a story called “ The Gifts of Wali Dad”.
It’s a nice story with very nice illustrations. It goes like this ….
"Wali Dad is a simple-hearted Grass-cutter. Every day, he cut some wild grasses, bundle them and bring them to the market to sell. Every day, he earns 30 coins. He spent 10 coins for food, 10 coins for other necessities, and save the remaining 10 coins for a rainy day …. "
[I’m not going to tell you the whole story, pls borrow the book from National Library … : ) : ) ]
The book looks like this ..
When I was admiring the beautiful illustrations, a sudden wish to paint swam over me. :)
Well …. I haven’t been painting for many years now. The last time I did a water colour painting was during my secondary school. : P [That was soooo long ago and I don’t even remember where I place all my painting brush, water colours etc … : ( ]
But, a wish is a wish. And wishes always come true : )
So … I went to “Popular Book Store” , buy a paint brush, a new Water colour [the type with all the colors and a palette], a drawing board, went straight home and started painting : )
After a few hours of hard work : )
[ + a can of Green Tea + some nice cookies + some nice music]
Ta … Dah …. : ) : ) Hey Presto …. It’s done.
[Hint: you can double click on the picture to get a good look :> ]
I have to say that it is pretty cool : ) : )
[Pls say "It's pretty ccccoooooollll." :0 : ) :P]
So … I took a photo, place it in my blog and share with my friends : ) : )
Sharing with you
All the Goodness in Life,
Low ck
Sunday, November 23, 2008
NBA James Donaldson advise to sportsman
NBA vegetarian sportman advise on vegetarian diet, take care of the body and respect to life.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy Deepavali and some indian poems
Since it is Deepavali tomorrow, share with all some poems by one of India's greatest poet, Rabindranath Tagore.
Rabindranath Tagore (1861 -- 1941), Indian novelist, playwright, poet, painter, composer, was one of the divine poets that have touched my heart. : )
In 1912, W.B. Yeats, an accomplished Irish poet, wrote in his introduction of Rabindranath Tagore that prose translations from Tagore had stirred his blood as nothing has for years.
"I have carried the manuscripts of these translations about with me for days , reading it in railway trains, or on top of the omnibuses and in the restaurants, and I have often had to close it lest some stranger would see how much it moved me. "
In 1913, Tagore became the first Indian to be awarded the Nobel prize for literature. The Novel prize committee had read Tagore's Gitanjali-"Song offerings" and unanimously agreed that one who produce this great inspirational masterpiece should be accolade with the highest honor.
Gitanjali , Song Offerings, a collection of over a hundred poems, covers the entire breathe of life's experience, from the quiet pleasure of observing the children at play to a mum's struggle with the Divine. It captures and expressed each sublime sendiments that every spiritual seeker experienced at one time or another.
Some Indians feel that to read one line from Gitanjali is to forget all the troubles in the world. : ) : )
Share with all some poems from this divine masterpiece.
Extracts from Gitanjali :
Thou hast made me endless, such is thy pleasure.
This frail vessel thou emptiest again and again, and fillest it ever with fresh life.
This little flute of a reed thou hast carried over hills and dales,
and hast breathed through it melodies eternally new.
At the immortal touch of thy hands
my little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.
Thy infinite gifts come to me only on these very small hands of mine.
Ages pass, and still thou pourest, and still there is room to fill.
I ask for a moment's indulgence to sit by thy side.
The works that I have in hand I will finish afterwards.
Away from the sight of thy face my heart knows no rest nor respite,
and my work becomes an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil.
To-day the summer has come at my window with its sighs and murmurs;
and the bees are plying their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering grove.
Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with thee,
and to sing dedication of life in this silent and overflowing leisure.
By Rabindranath Tagore
It's time to close your eyes and utter a gentle prayer : )
Enjoy a sublime Deepavali, : ) : )
Cheers and with Best wishes,
Low ck
Sharing with all,
The Goodness in Life.
P.S. You may like to forward this mail to your indian friends : ) : )
My Music Blog : ) : )
As this is the holidays and I have a little spare time, I've created a music blog:
I intent to place all the nice utube music into this blog. : ) : )
As a first offering, I have placed the nice devotional songs from various religions into the blog.
I would share some children's music in the blog at a later date : )
[Perhaps when children day draws near : ) ]
You may like to take a look : ) : )
Cheers n have a nice weekend :)
Low ck
Salamat Hari Raya n poems from Hafiz
Since it is Hari Raya, Salamat Hari Raya to all muslim friends : ) : )
Share with you a poem from a Muslim saint, Hafiz.
Hafiz, whose given name was Shams-ud-din Muhammad (c.1320-1389),
is a much beloved poet of Persia.
He sings lots of beautiful poems when he is inspiritual bliss. :):)
The following is a translation by Daniel Ladinsky.........
Do notWant to step so quickly
Over a beautiful line on God's palm
As I move through the earth's
I do not want to touch any object in this world
Without my eyes testifying to the truth
That everything is
My Beloved.
Something has happened
To my understanding of existence
That now makes my heart always full of wonder
And kindness.
I do notWant to step so quickly
Over this sacred place on God's body
That is right beneath your
Own foot
As I
Precious life
Covers her face with both hands
WhatWe speak
Becomes the house we live in.
Who will want to sleep in your bed
If the roof leaks
Right aboveIt?
Look what happens when the tongue
Cannot say to kindness,
I will be your slave.
The moon
Covers her face with both hands
And can't bear
To look
Some years back, I have borrowed Daniel ladinsky's book "The subject tonight is Love" from
the National Library. It is a collection of Harfiz's poety translated to english by
Daniel Ladinsky and I've enjoyed it very much. : )
If you have time, you may like to borrow the book from NLB. : ) : )
Cheers and happy holiday :) : )
Low ck
Gentle Video with a vegan message
This is a gentle video with a very important message:
It is true that the vegan/vegetarian diet helps the planet immensely.
Consider the following:
On Food:
The world has 6.6 billion people
55 billion animals are slaughtered every year for food.
Thus, the world not only has to produce food for 6.6 billion people, it has to produce food to feed 55 billion animals as well.
Currently, 74% of all soya beans, 50% of all corns and 36% of all rices produced in this world is feed to the animals every year.
So much resources are fed to the animals and yet 900 million people are starving every day.
Is it not logical to feed all the people first and then feed the surplus to the animals?
Yet the world does not function in this way.
As the developing world becomes more wealthy, their demand for meat grows. With
better buying power, the wealthy nations are buying more food to feed the animals.
This is in direct competition with the poor and pushes up the price of food.
The result is that more people in the poor nations cannot afford the corn, grain and soy.
[That is being diverted to feed the animals] The people in starvation has rose from 800 million in 2007 to 900 million in 2008.
On Water:
70% of all water is being used in the agriculture sector
20% of all water is used in industries
10% of all water is used by household.
Of the the 70% water used in agriculture, it's distribution is as follows:
To produce
1kg of maize -- 900 litres of water
rice -- 3000 litres
chicken -- 3900
pork -- 4900 l
beef -- 50,500 l
So meat production consumes far more water that crop production.
On Green house gases:
Producing 1kg of beef produces 36.4 kg of CO2 emissions while producing
1kg of potatoes only produce 0.6 kg of CO2.
The livestock industry produce 18% of all green house gas.
It also produce 37% of Methane [30 times more potent than CO2]
and 65% of N2O [300 times more potent thant CO2]
On environmental destruction:
Livestock industry accounts for 1/3 of all pollutants [nitrates and phosphrous in animal manure] that flows into rivers and seas.
It also drives 1/3 of the world's deforestation.
Thus, to preserve food,water, rainforest and to reduce green house gas emissions, we have to consider switching to a more environmental, low-carbon vegetarian diet.
Dr Rajandra Pachuri of the IPCC panel [Intergovernmental panel for climate change]
recently urge the world population to adopt a one-vegetarian-day-a-week policy to
reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
It's time to heed his advise. : ) : )
Pls forward to friends who are concern about the environment. : ) : )
Cheers and have a nice week end,
Low ck
Loving Hut open at SunTec City
There's a new vegetarian stall opened at SunTech City #03 Tower 2.
It's called "Loving Hut" : ) :)
It's above Carrefour [On the #03 storey] beside the Indian Vegetarian stall. : ) : )
I've went to the stall last week, the service is good and the food is excellent.
The names of the dishes are good:
"Smiling Dumpings / Rainbow Rice
Vege Curry
Drinks : Sunny Forest / Rose Mary Drink "
Personally, I like Rainbow rice, Smiling Dumpings and Sunny forest.
Sunny forest is a Green lime drink with a dash of lemon. It's served in an elegant glass.
Looks good, taste great.
The price is in the $5:00-a-meal range. [Normal in Suntech city area]
Drinks are $3.80
Address as follows:
3 Temasek BoulevardSuntec City Mall
Sky Garden #03-016 @ Tower
2Singapore 038983
Tel: +65 6238 6755
If you happen to go to Suntech for exhibitions/shopping, do check it out :) : )
Low ck
Monday, September 1, 2008
Are we Short of Water and Food?
This short video shows clearly the relationship btw meat industry and world hunger / world water shortage. The world is using most of it water and food resource to feed the animals.
Is it logical to feed 740 million tons of food to the animals [enough food to feed 2 billion people] while leaving 900 million starving people in the world? Nope!
We have to use our resources more wisely. Take care of all the humans first!
Breaking News: What do VIPs say about Global Warming?
This video shows what the world leaders are saying on Global warming and it's urgency. It also recommends a vege solution. Very strong message for these urgent times : )
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Devotional music from various religions/cultures
As a personal interest, I have explored the fields of Devotional singing. J J
I have found that devotional singing exist in all religions and cultures.
When I hear a song of a devotional nature, the poems of Reknown Indian Poet Rabindranath Tagore (1861 – 1941) came into mind : ) : )
“When thou commandest me to sing
it seems that my heart would break with pride;
and I look to thy face, and tears come to my eyes.
All that is harsh and dissonant in my life melts into one sweet harmony –
and my adoration spreads wings like a glad bird on its flight across the sea.
I know thou takest pleasure in my singing.
I know that only as a singer I come before thy presence.
I touch by the edge of the far spreading wing of my song thy feet
which I could never aspire to reach.
Drunk with the joy of singing I forget myself and call thee friend who art my lord. “
To promote appreciation of devotional music from different religions/cultures, I’ll share some devotional music from various cultures. [I’ve enjoyed all of them. They are the best I’ve heard so far : ] : ) ]
Children’s Nasheed from the Muslim religion:
Arabic song Children’s devotion to Mother [‘Ummi’ is mother in Arabic]
Sikh devotional music :
Christian music:
Joan and the whale By Buddy Greene :
Very jazz type devotional music : ) : )
Hebrew song on devotion to Mother: [‘Ima’ is mother in the Hebrew language.]
I trust that you would enjoy them : ) : )
Sharing with all
what I find good in Life.
Cheers and have a blessed weekend : )
Low ck
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Persian Dancer Dance of Unity: Banafsheh Sayyad's Persian Dance
A very spiritual Persian Dancer. Her dance combines Various dance style and even Tai Chi. One of the best dances I've seen :)
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Cello song
The Cello sings of a deep song,
A song of suffering, a lament of the downtrodden,
a Reminiscence of the past .....
It always draws out the compassion within me &
reminds me of the difficult periods of mankind.
[e.g. war, femine, disaster etc.]
Alas, How many difficulties has man gone through,
and how much is the suffering in the world :( :(
When my heart become insensitive and unforgiving towards someone,
I would listen to the cello.
The Cello would request me to Consider.
Consider, the situation of the other person,
Consider, the family, the work, the pressure,
Consider, the blood, the sweat, the tear,
& Consider the many twist and turns in a fellow fella's life....
The heart would melt and the offending party would be seen as
just a person committing the same errors that I had committed before.
We all error at times.
Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.
The sage's heart bore no malice & hatred,
but a silent compassion,
& a deep sorrow for the error of mankind.
Good music album: Northern Lights
I deem it natural that good fellas have a good ear
and would appreciate fair music :):)
Thus it is that this humble person
dare venture to recommend an album,
that is of calm & peaceful temperament,
and of the finest quality. :):)
The album that capture me hearts delight
is named "Northern Light"by Steve Coulter and Harris Moore.
It is an enchanting album that
blends celtic harp, English horns, HapperDulcimer etc
[all the traditional instruments ]
into a fine and generous assembly.
The music teleports one,
into a magical realm,
where goodness is natural,
and good manners are abound.
It is a reminiscence of good 'O English grace,
and brought to mind pictures of gentlemen and
fair maidens.
strolling across the streets,or going about their daily life. :):)
Most of the pieces are merry,
with a few catchy,
and a few of lamentation.
The pieces that I like the most are
"Busker's Dream", "Pyramid in the Woods""Carolan's Rumble to Cashel"
"Sheep Under the snow" & "The Spiral Dance"
[Even the names of the pieces sound beautiful:)]
Once you listen to it,
it would take away all your sorrows and anxiety,
and return to you, a peaceful temperament.
You would find yourself thinking.
Truly, Music should be that good :):)
Thus if you have some time,
me fellow countrymen,
do drop in to your nearest sambawang music store,
and ask for a copy of "Northern Light"
[Produce By Orange Music. Price : $18.90]
It would bring
a peace in demeanor,
a brightness in spirit,
& a gladness in the heart.
Enjoy :) :) :)
Bringing you,
all that I find good in life.
A friend
Low Ck ;)
Friday, April 4, 2008
Climate Change: A Global Climate Change: A Global Response
Scientist and world leaders responding to climate change.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
The Link Between Meat Eating and Climate Change
Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends, delivers a keynote address on the devastating role factory farms are playing in the climate change crisis at Animal Legal Defense Fund's "Future of Animal Law" conference at Harvard Law School in March 2007.
This speech is well-reasoned and unbeatable. His recommendation is also effective and practical. Brillant :)
Friday, March 14, 2008
Global Warming is the most critical issue threatening all lives on this beautiful planet Earth. The natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, heavy snowing have been increasing as a result of climate change. A United Nations report on 2007’s natural disasters says nine of the ten worst natural disasters resulted from climatic disturbances.
Based on the latest satellite data cited in December 2007 article, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) climate scientist Jay Zwally predicts that nearly all the ice could be gone from the Arctic Ocean by the end of Summer 2012. This signal the seriousness of the issue as Arctic sea ice reflects about 80% of the sun’s heat. The melting of Arctic sea ice would cause the raising of sea level, flooding of many lands on Earth, escalates the raise in temperature, increase in natural disasters and may result in other event that threatening lives on Earth.
According to James Hansen, top climate scientist at NASA: “We have passed tipping points. We have not passed a point of no return. We can still roll things back, but it is going to require a quick turn in direction.”
Ref Web Links:
NASA Scientists See Hastened Arctic Warming:
Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013' :
Rate of ice melt shocks warming experts:
In January 2008, after Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg visited Antarctica’s melting ice sheets, he stated, “Alarm bells are ringing. It is irresponsible for decision-makers to ignore these signals.”
By studying ice cores from Antarctica, American scientist Kieran O'Hara of the University of Kentucky discovered that large quantities of methane gas releasing into the atmosphere brought an end to several ice ages over the past 400,000 years. The biggest source of methane would be the frozen methane hydrates in the cold depths of the oceans. Today, there is a risk of a similar event taking place because of global warming. Matthew Hornbach an expert at the University of Texas, said, "A reduction in pressure via global warming can lead to hydrate destabilization, converting generally immobile and innocuous methane hydrate (a solid), into more buoyant and mobile methane gas."
Ref Web Links:
The seriousness of the climate change that threatening all lives on earth has touched the heart of a young gentleman by the name of Sam Yeoh. His concern for all beings on this beautiful planet earth gives him the strength to embark on this challenging campaign, A JOURNEY ON BIKE ~ From SINGAPORE to GREAT WALL, CHINA to raise the awareness of climate change and seriousness for all human TO ACT NOW.
In 2006, the United Nations reported that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined. Senior UN Food and Agriculture
Organization official Henning Steinfeld reported that the meat industry is “one of the most significant contributors to today’s most serious environmental problems.”
In addition, the livestock sector produces manure which contributes to more than 60 per cent of human-related nitrous oxide. Nitric oxide worsens the global warming situation as it has 296 times the Global Warming Potential of carbon dioxide.
The Chief of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Rajendra Pachauri, also urged the world, “Please eat less meat -- meat is a very carbon intensive commodity. Don't eat meat, ride a bike, and be a frugal shopper -- that's how you can help brake global warming.”
Thus, the main theme of this campaign is:
Objectives: To raise awareness of global warming and promoting --
i) cycling as an alternative mode of transport to reduce Co2 emissions;
ii) vegetarianism as a choice diet - one can be equally fit and healthy with
enduring stamina.
Commencement date: 10 March 08.
Trip will start from : Singapore-->Malaysia-->Thailand-->Laos-->China
Trip duration : Estimated six months
Current Number in Group : Two from Singapore to Malaysia, then alone to Great wall, China.
Total distance: Estimated 9000Km
Accommodations: Sleep in tent / hammock
As Earth’s citizens, everyone is responsible. “GO VEGGIE GO GREEN - SAVE OUR PLANET, SAVE OUR LIVES”. Our Planet Earth and all beings including human, animals and plants on Earth are so unique and beautiful …..
Please click on the following link for more details of the plan route and update journey:
Sam can be reached at email and cc to
Thank you very much for your kind attention.
Monday, February 25, 2008
A thought on Writing
We sometimes feel there is a great sacredness within us.
Something immensely beautiful, something that brings us to awe and wonder.
That is our own Great being, our own perfect higher Self.
And for that, we can only experience it ourselves.
No words suffice to describe the feeling ...
Some saints have said that when he tries to write about the Divine, the pen brokes into two.
One could keep on describing how an orange taste, but no one will know how it taste, until he eats it himself.
Yet Word, be it ever so imperfect,
could convey an inking of our deep Origin,
could give a hint of our inner Being.
When Gibran finish writing the Prophet, he realized deeply that everyone is 'far, far greater than what they perceive themselves to be.'
Gibran created a master Piece with 'The Prophet'
Tagora created a master piece with 'Gita Jali'
Both are beautiful and ever lasting works .....
Perhaps, we could create our little master piece, With whatever inspiration the Divine graced us ... : ) : )
Written sometime in 1998.
On Silent hours
The human spirit needs some silent hours to meditate, to contemplate on the divine, to return to it's source everyday. It needs time to relax, to be with itself, to recharge itself, and to gain inner support. Such spiritual food is essential to nourish the spirit, without which the human spirit would feel restless, 'empty' and tired about life.
Many spiritual practitioners, noble poets, humanitarians, reserve a period of their time everyday for spiritual cultivation.
Indian spiritual master advise their disciples to reserve 10 % of their time everyday for spiritual cultivation. ie. meditation, reading of scriptures, devotion to God.
Swami Yogananda advise his disciples to "Read one hour, Reflect for 2 hour, meditate all the time."
The Himalayan yogis, spend the most part of their life in meditation.
The Buddha spend long hours meditating and teaches meditation to his disciples. He also holds yearly 3-month long retreat with his monastic disciple during his Life time.
The Taoist Master, Lao Zhi practices 'zhuo wang'- "Sitting and forgetting about the world."
Kong fu zhi, Confucius states in the one of his books that "If you see someone sitting in silence, do not disturb him, he is cultivating himself."
The ancient christian tradition reserve 10 % of their time for study of the bible and deep prayers. They also reserve 10 % of their wealth for charity.
Master Ching Hai advise her disciples to meditate for 2.5 hours everyday. [Which is 10 % of the 24 hours a day.] and hold 3,5,7-day retreats now and again. She advise that meditation time is the most precious time a person could ever have on earth.
Mother Theresa lead her order of sisters to pray deeply for few hours a day. She says that such deep contemplations give them the strength and support to carry on their work to take care of the sick and the poor in India.
Rabindarath Tagora, the first indian who won the Noble prize for literature, use to sit still and contemplate on the divine for 3 hours in the wee-light before dawn. That is his source of inspiration and enables him to write very beautiful spiritual poetries.
Sufi masters from the Muslim tradition, such as Hafiz and Rumi use to utter beautiful spiritual poetries in praise of the divine after deep prayers and meditation. The poetry just flows from them and their disciples write them down into words.
These silent hours are a source of inspiration, and a source of spiritual strength that sees us through the toss and turmoil of human life. It is an essential part of human life.
In this modern age, we seem to forget this need of silent hours. Perhaps that is why our moral values are not that strong, our trust in the goodness of life is wavering and our spiritual conviction is lacking.
It is little wonder that many people find life uninteresting, and resort to many different [often harmful] means to try to find some happiness in life.
Perhaps it would be good to return to the good' O times, where we reserve some silent hours in our days for meditation, prayers, deep contemplation.
When we could find peace within ourselves, we could find peace and happiness in the world. :)
May all have peace :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Latest Evidence of Global Warming: Part 1
An important video showing interviews with various climate scientist on the effects of global warming. Very up-to-date information.
Global Warming-Time To Act
Important information on Global warming and it's solutions. Very informative and detailed.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Night Dream
It is a poem that Master wrote in her youthful days.
It is originally in Au lac [vietnamese] and Master explained the meaning to us in English.
We are all mesmerized by the beauty of the poetry :)
Share with you : )
[P.S: As it is a memory, the words in the poem may not be exact, but I still like it :)]
Night Dream
Last Night I dreamt,
Of Bedsheets and pillows,
The fragrance of scandalwood,
Still lingers in the air.
Heartfelt was the time,
With you by my side
Our days are young,
And love was still immense.
Last night I dreamt,
of leaving the red dust,
Light-footed to heaven
Carefree for once.
By the perfumed hillside I roam,
Worry and sorrow no more…
This day I awoke,
back in my old car.
Wheels stuck on a muddy, lonely path.
Dark clouds gathered,
Rain poured miserably.
Inviting the sweet dreams,
Exquisite visions,
To return.
Oh, my Daring, my Beloved!
Time flows endlessly.
Like that of a river.
I should trace the river of time,
Back to the old pier,
Where you and I,
Lay side by side.
Then I would swallow all
My complains and grumble.
A human’s lot contented,
Lament no more!
Last night I dreamt,
I was a swan,
Soaring above the mountains,
Drinking in the snow.
Bathing in the rainbow,
Feeling free again,
Feeling free again …
Nice, nice :) :)
Tala Al Badr Alaina (Moon Rose on Us)
A nice arabic mtv. There is a plesant surprise near the end :)
Monday, February 4, 2008
A New Year's Blessing : )
A New Year's Blessing,
Unhurried mornings, greeted with gratitude;
good work for the hand, the heart and the mind;
the smile of a friend, the laughter of children;
kind words from a neighbor, a home warm and dry.
Food on the table, with a place for the stranger;
a glimpse of the mystery behind every breath;
some time of ease in the arms of your lover;
then sleep with a prayer of thanks on your lips;
May all this and more be yours this year
and every year after to the end of your days.
- Larry Robinson
Chrismas 07 celebration at Singapore Center
2007 Chrismas celebration at Supreme Master Ching Hai Meditation Center in Singapore. :)
Remembrance of the singing/games/play/gifts in that happy event.
This is an artistic slideshow made by one of our brother photographer. He sure has good taste :)
Friday, January 25, 2008
A poem well loved by Lincoln
to be able to write so fine a piece as I think that is.
Neither do I know who is the author.
I met it in a straggling form in a newspaper last summer, and I remember
to have seen it once before, about fifteen years ago, and this is all I know about it."
Abraham Lincoln wrote those lines in a letter to a friend, Andrew Johnston
(a lawyer in Quincy, Illinois) on April 18, 1846. '
The piece Lincoln was referring to was titled Mortality or
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
The author was a Scotsman named William Knox (1789-1825).
Lincoln was first introduced to the poem by Dr. Jason Duncan when the two were
living in New Salem. Lincoln memorized the entire poem and recited it so often that some folks mistakenly thought he was the author.
The poem's melancholy tone appealed to Lincoln. William Herndon, Lincoln's law partner, thought the poem was (for Lincoln) a remembrance of Ann Rutledge as well as a discourse on the delicate nature of human life.
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?
Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-flying cloud,
A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave,
He passes from life to his rest in the grave.
The leaves of the oak and the willow shall fade,
Be scattered around, and together be laid;
And the young and the old, the low and the high,
Shall molder to dust, and together shall lie.
The infant a mother attended and loved;
The mother that infant's affection who proved;
The husband, that mother and infant who blessed;
Each, all, are away to their dwelling of rest.
The maid on whose cheek, on whose brow, in whose eye,
Shone beauty and pleasure - her triumphs are by;
And the memory of those who loved her and praised,
Are alike from the minds of the living erased.
The hand of the king that the sceptre hath borne,
The brow of the priest that the mitre hath worn,
The eye of the sage, and the heart of the brave,
Are hidden and lost in the depths of the grave.
The peasant, whose lot was to sow and to reap,
The herdsman, who climbed with his goats up the steep,
The beggar, who wandered in search of his bread,
Have faded away like the grass that we tread.
The saint, who enjoyed the communion of Heaven,
The sinner, who dared to remain unforgiven,
The wise and the foolish, the guilty and just,
Have quietly mingled their bones in the dust.
So the multitude goes - like the flower or the weed
That withers away to let others succeed;
So the multitude comes - even those we behold,
To repeat every tale that has often been told.
For we are the same that our fathers have been;
We see the same sights that our fathers have seen;
We drink the same stream, we feel the same sun,
And run the same course that our fathers have run.
The thoughts we are thinking, our fathers would think;
From the death we are shrinking, our fathers would shrink;
To the life we are clinging, they also would cling -
But it speeds from us all like a bird on the wing.
They loved - but the story we cannot unfold;
They scorned - but the heart of the haughty is cold;
They grieved - but no wail from their slumber will come;
They joyed - but the tongue of their gladness is dumb.
They died - aye, they died - we things that are now,
That walk on the turf that lies over their brow,
And make in their dwellings a transient abode,
Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road.
Yea, hope and despondency, pleasure and pain,
Are mingled together in sunshine and rain;
And the smile and the tear, the song and the dirge,
Still follow each other, like surge upon surge.
'Tis the wink of an eye - 'tis the draught of a breath -
From the blossom of health to the paleness of death,
From the gilded saloon to the bier and the shroud
Oh, why should the spirit of mortal be proud?.......
Very, very powerful poem ....
When we ponder the truth of the poem,
Arrogance & vanity left us ,
Humility and a quiet sadness settles in ....
When Dear, shall I see your face?
In Indian teachings, Bira, spiritual longing is a very strong quality to reach
the feet of the Divine ...
Love, devotion, humility and longing are qualities conducive to spiritual cultivation.
Indian scriptures are full of such poems ...
The following is a poem on longing ............
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
At times, I shall live a life ...
I shall seek entertainment in sights and laughter ...
Yet, deep within the heart, I shall be seeking thee still ...
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
Man passes his life in many pursues ...
Running after at times this, another time that ...
All the while, a silent voice is asking ...
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
The same questions asked again and again ...
Life after life, birth after birth ...
Earnestly seeking, the soul tires and drops to the ground
Whispering, when, dear, shall I see your face ???
In many forms have I came seeking,
Through the great cycle of the eighty-four,
passing through transient happiness and many sufferings
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
It is said that man is the highest of creation,
All scriptures expound : in man is the only hope.
Without this body, non can find thee ...
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
Man tolls his life through many activities,
Studies, work, family, responsibilities,
At the time of death, a single question remains ....
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
Without a sight of thee, my heart remains pining,
Like a fish without water, it could hardly live ...
Have pity, dear, and grant me a sight,
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
Many errors I must have committed,
Else why is it that I could not see thou
Yet, Thou are Dayal, the all-merciful.
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
All the lucky ones have been ferried across,
Why speak of them in front of one forlorn?
Tell me, dear, do I stand any chance at all?
When, dear, shall I see your face ???
written sometime in the 1990s
Gentle Utterance
The sage says,
I try to be silent,
but Goodness just slips out of my lips.
Thou has made me helpless...
I could not help but speak goodness...
Thy gracious thoughts touches my mind,
I am thus lost to the world....
Around me,
I see,only the beauty of your grace...
Smiling meekly,I pour love unto thy creation
Enjoying myself immensely in the process....
Drunken with joy,
I lost all distinction between man and creatures
and name all of them,
My Brothers....
written sometime in the 1990s