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Extra half hour of Daylight :>
If You were to give me an extra half hour of Daylight,
How shall I spend it lovingly ?
Shall I watch the sun set graciously
& marvel at the wondrous Grace
as Day gives way to Night &
the hustle & bustles of the morns
give way to the silent & peaceful hymns of
creatures of the night ?
Shall I visit the oceans,
& allow the elements of air, water, fire, earth to swirl around me,
the wind in my hair, the sand upon my feet,
the sea embracing me, & the last ray of Dusk
blessing the hairline upon my forehead?
Shall I sing You devotional songs,
& envelop myself in sweet Rememberance,
as many a Devotee does,
in ancient time of the past,
Following a scared lineage,
to times of the present?
Shall I enter a closet
& study the writings of the saints & sages,
Allowing the wisdom of the scriptures,
to cleanse and gently massages a soul
leaden with the heavy energy of this world?
Shall I sit in silent meditation,
& focus on the inner light,
which shines forth from all beings
that walk, move & live on this lovely planet.
Or Shall I approach the animal friends,
& learn from them
the gentle manners of submission,
the warmth of family life,
the contentment for simple joys of life.
& heed their plead to 'Live and let live'
to preserve Mother Earth's food & water resources,
& not take More from Nature
than what we really need ?